MY Unique Strategy to Buy Top 10 AI CRYPTO

These are my 10 free crypto coins

Welcome back again on my amazing website CryptoInvestar. Today am publically letting you know how am accumulating crypto for free. And yes. I have made a free 10 crypto portfolio that am mining.

Well I must agree that they might not carry a huge significant value and mission that I love but I must say it’s worth my time and worth waiting.

At the end of the listing of these coins am looking forward to venture deeply into AI crypto tokens and have atleast 100 of them .

Well without wasting your time I will show you how much I have accumulated in crypto this week

1. My Onus (Onx Coin ) Portfolio.

Iam happy to let you know that Onus exchange has put in place a functionality to send Onx coin from telegram to Onus exchange.

I decided to send all the 94.952 Onx coins to the exchange.

My Onx coins
Showing my Onx coins at Onus exchange

Now Onus Exchange has offered a burning staking pool where users can stake onx coins and earn mcake in return.

Over a billion onx coins have been burned sofar.

I have decided not to burn mine for mcake coins. Deep inside me I don’t buy the idea. I would rather accumulate Onx coins to a million.

With Onx , I put all my over 200k coins I had into farming whereby I earn 595.5/ hour which helps me accumulate coins on a daily.

As you can see I have 27,040 coins in my balance which I can now also transfer to my Onus Exchange account.

My Onx coin balance at tap tap account

ONX Coin is a community coin for the Onus Exchange located in Vietnam that is going to start trading in September.

Start mining Onx Coin before September

2. Wcoin Portfolio

I started mining this coin a few months about two ago. And as you can see I have sofar accumulated 1.822,125 Wcoins in my account balance.

My Wcoins
Showing off my Wcoins balance

But this is not it all.

Am also staking most of my coins

In a few days from how I will be collecting my rewards.

I staked 9.1M and am getting 10.9M

I staked 1.3M and am getting 1.6M

I staked 1.2M and am getting 1.5M

Staking my wcoins
My Wcoins staking

Am so glad and waiting to see what will happen with WCoin on listing.

This coin is building a Decentralized ecosystem where people can select there favorite blockchains.

Start mining WCOIN

3. Time Farm Portfolio

Am also mining Time Farm crypto and I have been accumulating for two months. Apparently I have 2,395,600 coins in my balance.

Time Farm coin
My balance at Time Farm Portfolio

Now am so glad that I have been able to stake most of my holdings here too.

I am staking 2,630,000 coins of which I will get 35% extra after 24 of August.

This also applies to

516,000 and 636,400 coins that am also staking.

This is a time crypto that earns people seconds. Every second must count.

Time Farm coin
Time Farm coins staking at 35% profits

Now the only question is how much is worth a second 😀

Join timefarm mining now

4. Hamster Kombat Portfolio

Hamster Kombat is the biggest Crypto AIRDROP sofar and am happy to be apart of it

As of this time am making 2.07Million coins per hour .

My per hour earnings
My per hour earnings at hamster Kombat Token

As you can see in my balance I have over 100Million coins accumulated.

I don’t know how many coins I have mined and accumulated but it must be over 1.5billions for me to be able to have 2.07 coins a month .

Hamster Kombat
This is to show my balance . I own over 100M at balance

Its not known yet if lifetime coins mined will all be given out to us or only what will be in the balance or per hour is what will be later transferred into individual wallets.

Hamster is expected to launch before the year ends.

Join link above and start mining

5. Pepe Kombat Token

I also happened to start mining Pepe Kombat and accumulated it.

See, apparently I have 27.5Million coins and making 41.37K coins per hour.

Pepe Kombat Token mining
My Pepe Kombat balance showing now

I have also tried and invited 11 friends in this project also to be able to make these free coins.

Showing my refferals at Pepe Kombat
Pepe Kombat refferals showing

Previously to increase per hour mining coins we could upgrade different pools but now every pool shows maximum . This has been like this for weeks of not over a month.

I don’t know what exactly Pepe Kombat stands for. Looks like a mere copycat of Hamster Kombat and simply following the route.

Well let’s see if it can have something come up in a nearby future.

Start mining Pepe Kombat? Join now

6. Rabbit Rocky Meme Coin

Am also interestingly mining Rocky rabbit meme coin and am having over 142.8Million coins accumulated in my account as you can see.

And a total balance just on my dashboard at 20.9Million coins.

Every single hour I earn 366.6k coins and I can accumulate this for three hours when offline.

My Rocky rabbit meme coin
Showing my Rocky rabbit meme coin Accumulation

Accumulating all these millions of coins in a short time has been hard work and not missing any activity.

Its a still a big question when. Rocky rabbit meme will launch on exchange. However pre market trading seems to be almost in place.

Start mining this coin?? LINK

This is a meme coin however seeming to focus on workouts, health and nutrition.

7. TPIB token For Pi Network

Am also accumulating TPIB Token which is a native token for the Pi Network Exchange.
Previously Pi Network was also distributed for free to millions of people across the world and working amazing on exchanges.

Am as of today holding over 13.8 million TPIB coins via my telegram mini app.
This has been as a result of daily tasks I always check in to perform and also a long time I have been available at TPIB token mining

TPIB TOKEN balance showing my balance

When you look at my per tap , it’s at 12 coins per tap which helps in mining of this coin.

Am so much waiting to see if TPIB has a great future of it will be a shit coin.

Start mining TPIB?? LINK

8. TimeTon Crypto Airdrop

I have been mining this coin for a while and as of now I have 8,000 coins in my dashboard.
It involves buying NFT watches.
Previously I have made over 5,000 coins but then invested back to keep upgrading my NFT watches that help yield more coins.

Time Ton giveaway
I own 8,000 Time Ton coins now

As you can see I have a few refferals that help me accumulate and also my NFT watches I bought with these coins also keep generating passive coins on a daily.

TonTime is a Decentralized ecosystem for Time and every minute must be monetized.

Start mining TIMETON ?? LINK
Alot is coming up for this project

9. TapSwap Token

Am also accumulating TapSwap coin. I don’t understand what this project is all about. Also seems like a trial and error project.

I have accumulated over. 22.8Million coins of it.

Tap swap meme
Showing my TapSwap Token balance

Now this one always has activities to do with watching there full videos on YouTube to be able to earn coins
Seems like an ads revenue shit ponzi. But am also mining it.
As you can see I refused to watch there ads on YouTube and also didn’t invite any refferal.

My TapSwap refferals
Tapswap meme coin refferal activity

I wonder if anything with come out of this project

Want to start mining TapSwap?? LINK

10. Cex Coin for Cex Exchange.

Am also mining Cex coin which is a native token for Cex Exchange which is a huge exchange with big volumes.

As you can see I have 96,678 coins almost making 100,000 coins.

My Cex tokens
Almost making 100k Cex coins

The only way to earn this coin is through 4 hourly 100 coin mining and also passive farming.

People who have invited people can also make 10% off there invites money made
Its expected to launch before end of 2024 on exchanges .
Am so excited to see how it will perform on the exchanges.

Cex coins
Cex coins farming

I hope my free crypto accumulation plan excites you and how amazing days ahead are going to be .

Want to start mining CEX ? LINK

Biggest question here is do you have ways you are accumulating your crypto coins ?

Whats your best strategy that is costing you less?

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