How to Compare Delysium and 0x0 AI crypto Projects

Invest in Delysium or 0x0 Ai?

Welcome back to today’s article. Its an amazing one.We are comparing between Delysium and 0x0 AI to see which of these coins is a mover and worth extra attention.

I always compare and contrast two AI crypto coins that are almost in same price range to help investors understand the differences and similarities and help enrich there understanding on AI crypto coins.

What makes up Delysium Coin as of now?

This coin is apparently trading at 0.13$ on all marketplaces.

This is a good price and could be ana amazing signal that it can easily push up to even a dollar price .

The supply of Delysium is just at 3 Billion Total supply. And out of 3 billions only 905 Millions are in circulation.

Coming up, I will discuss about coin circulation in relationship with 0x0 ai coin.

Previously this coin hit it’s ATH price of 0.6$ . This was a big move and it gave so many hopes to investors that there is a huge probability of Delysium hitting 1$ unfortunately it didn’t.

The lowest ever has been 0.01$

If you can notice something on Delysium is that it has been less volatile and has tried to maintain a certain range price since ever its existence.

This coin is ranking at 286 rank on coin market cap and I must say that it coming close to top 100 it has made it gain a lot visibility.

Should we expect to see Delysium in the Top 50 coins on CMC?

Delysium future
The future of Delysium cryptocurrency and it’s technology

0x0 AI Analysis as of today .

0x0 AI is ranking at 312 position on coin market cap. Which makes it lower than Delysium but well that’s not the point.

Look it’s apparently trading at 0.12$ with a total maximum supply of 1 billion coins.

Out of the 1 billion, 868Million coins are in circulation.

This makes it a little more circulated compared to Delysium.

I will return to that point later in the article.

It has ever hit it’s ATH price of 0.4$ which actually gave investors hope of it hitting 1$ .

The lowest has been 0.002$

Now this shows that 0x0 AI has been a big mover killing two zeros.

Will 0x0 AI ever hit 1$ or even 2$ ?

That’s the biggest question we all need to answer.

When you check ether scan it shows that 0x0 AI coin has over 31,001 users holding this token.

Am super bullish about all these two coins

How is Delysium and 0x0 AI mission and goals different.

Delysium Mission For the Future.

Delysium aims at creating unique AI functionalities that have never existed before in humanity.

This aims at creating twin AI system where every registered individual can have a virtual identity of a twin person ( call it twin AI robot)

The Virtual You simply mimics you, learns your personality, your voice, your expressions, your character, your preferences etc.

This is a learning model AI that adapts after learning and interacting with the subject.

Delysium is building this structure and it’s coming on soon.

Now these kind of technologies can apply in situations where fans can interact with there famous celebrities online as if it’s them in reality. They can have a sense of having them closer in there lives than ever.

The world is already excited about Delysium technologies.

The mission and aim for Delysium is to have atleast 1billion people compete with atleast 100Billion AI twins in the Virtual world experience.

Now this looks like a 10 years mission to achieve or even 20 years.


I must say that previously 99% of AI Abilities Have been occupied by games and NFTs .

But now Delysium new innovations are bringing it to more community building focused technologies.

0x0 AI mission for the future explained

0x0 AI is a pioneering smart contracts technology aiming to build dapps on the Ethereum network.

Now this technology company is just one year old and it’s aiming more on Privacy as it’s main focus followed by security and transparency.

0x0 AI mission on privacy is more deeper and it’s competing with Monero and Zcash . The difference is that 0x0 AI has an interfusion of Artificial intelligence in its Blockchain which makes it more exciting.

The future of dapps
0x0 AI Crypto has a big future within the dapp industry

Final deductions on Delysium and 0x0 AI.

Both these crypto projects are amazing and they have almost equal potential.

Choosing to invest in either should be your own choice.

They both have potential for an amazing future.

In my own view Delysium seems more long term and it’s vision a bit wide but however more AI advanced.

0x0 AI has an amazing mission but common.

As of now 0x0 has a smaller market cap compared to Delysium. However this difference is not so big .

I would personally want to hold both of these two coins .

They are amazing and have an amazing potential ahead.

Thanks for reading this his article.


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