Good morning and thanks for reading, In the most recent fraud news in Thailand, reports show arrests of several Icon Group MLM ponzi scheme. This scam has scammed several people in Thailand approximately to 4,000 victims .
One of the victims is a 70 year old woman who was scammed over 7,500$ .
The victim claims to have got to know the scam on a television advert. She got super excited and invested in her life savings.
It’s really heartbreaking.
This all happened within the Covid 19 seasons when everyone was almost unemployed and struggling with life.
The old 61 year old women was mostly interested in the health products icon group was giving out after joining the pyramid. She was surprised to see that they don’t work and have no positive results on the body as she was convinced by the leaders of the scam.
The confused old woman ( now a victim) was advised by the top leaders of the scam that the only way to earn money since she was not happy with the products was to recruit new people in her team so she could earn commissions. What a frustrating situation!!!
The old woman is now left without any hope and money since she had invested almost all her life savings in the scam.

It’s so sad how such MLM ponzis scam everyone that cross there way.
Icon scam used Celebrities to lure people into there trap
I want to believe Boss Paul who was CEO of Icon Group ( now an overthrown fraud) Waratyaworrakul knew what he was doing by recruiting popular figures in Thailand to easily reach out to a much wide audience in a shortest period of time. This was insane.
One of the celebrities was Min a television show host and Yuranunt a public figure . Both were arrested by police on crimes of helping to spread the scam and making people loose there money in fake promises .
Boss Paul arrested followed so many complained received by Thailand police at various posts which initiated an immediate action.
According to reports it shows that victims claiming to have lost money through icon group MLM ponzi have increase in numbers and a total sofar claimed to have been stolen is over $123 millions .

Police and security officials raided the offices and premises of Boss Paul and confiscated his property which included cars, watches, performs and other expensive items worth of $6.2 millions.
The Fraud seems even more complicated than just reported news
According to other sources it seems the amount of money reported to have been scammed is beyond reasonable. It could even be over a billion dollar.
IT’s believed by some individuals that some millions of dollars approximately to $247 millions was moved out if circulation to USDT and no one knows to where and to who .
It’s always more and much money stolen when crypto is involved since it’s hard to track down.
Could it be that they are trying to capture camera attention and confuse police systems and get small punishments and later come out of prisons and enjoy the USDT and bitcoins???
Icon Group MLM ponzi victims have been given given an offer by the police .
According to PattayaMail, Pattaya Police Chief Pol Col. Nawin Thirawit announced on media that they have established a 24 hour support for all victims of Icon Group Victims in the entire country. Victims of Icon Group can now call in or directly come at the victims support center and recieve support .
This is aimed to support the increasing number of victims that is astonishing.

The Chief of police also said the claimed money has succeeded 4.5Million baht as of 21 st October which is likely to even hit over 20 millions baht in the next few daily.
The Chief of Police at Pattaya police station has now already gathered investigators and experienced police men to handle fraud cases and ready to attend to the victims.
Victims of the scam are however encouraged to collect as much proof as possible to show that they actually invested in Icon group . Proof must be verifiable in courts of law so that they can easily see how to go about resettlements.
Meet This Icon group Victim who commited suicide after loosing everything in the scam.
Among the less reported about, a man from Chaing Rai ,Thailand had invested heavily in the Icon group scam.
He sold off his cars and the house and invested in over 3.5 million baht
It’m was very hard to handle the situation. He later committed suicide and killed himself after he couldn’t make any single coin from icon group company.
This was all reported in by his son.
According to Thai PBS World, the son of the deceased reached out to the police station in Mueang District of Chiang Rai province . He reported that his father of 56 years old had killed himself after investing his life savings plus selling off his property and invested in icon group.
“My father killed himself in a temple in April 2020” a 23 year old boy said
Icon group scam was the reason for this boy’s father’s death. His father trusted the company so much and invested in all he had. But the scam as usual turned everything down. The family broke up and the marriage was no more. The house was already sold. The fights In a family couldn’t let him sleep nor have anything for himself . No peace at all.
This was so big to take in to the extent that he killed himself at a public place. This was so horrible to even think about .
Am really touched by this story as a writer and it reminds me so much about my personal journey with onecoin cryptocurrency scam.
So sad to see this happen: we must arise and fight.
A tip to all Icon Group Victims.
Victims of icon group should immediately collect evidences of investment and reach out to set centers investigating the scam.
The police works according to victims who reach out!
Read more about MLM scams , a look at onecoin scam